Dark Matter in a Single-metric Universe [CEA]


Cosmological models connecting the static Schwarzschild metric with the time dependent Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric generally support only zero-pressure continuity at some interface. Instead of matching two different metrics at an interface, Baker proposed the use of the Lema$\tilde{i}$tre-Tolman metric which can go smoothly from a Schwarzschild-Lema$\tilde{i}$tre metric near a mass concentration to the Friedmann-Lema$\tilde{i}$tre metric at large distances and also allows for non-zero pressure. Using a variant of the Bona-Stela condition, we fix a metric and find that the geodesic equation contains in its slow-speed limit an effective dark matter (eDM) term. We show that this eDM can explain the effects of the dark matter such as the flatten rotational curves of galaxies, the desirable growth rate for the baryonic matter density perturbation during the matter dominant epoch and the dark matter enhancement on the higher acoustic peaks of the power spectrum of the CMB anisotropies.

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C. Wong
Tue, 5 Jan 16

Comments: 16 pages, 2 figures