Constraining LTB models with JLA supernovae and BAO [CEA]

In the present work we constrain three different profiles of a Lema\^itre-Tolman-Bondi model using supernovae type Ia and baryon acoustic oscillation data. We improve common practice in the literature by carefully calibrating the supernovae in the appropriate inhomogeneous background dynamics. In addition, we address subtle issues in order to propagate the primordial BAO scale to present epoch. The combined analysis of BAO+SNIa offers a stringent test for these models. We use two distinct parameter estimation approaches, namely, the $\chi^2$ and the complete likelihood functional. It has been argued that these two approaches are not equivalent and indeed our analysis shows a specific example of their departure.

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C. Vargas, F. Falciano and R. Reis
Wed, 9 Dec 15

Comments: 23 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, material and references added