Giant $\gamma$-ray flares comprise the most extreme radiation events observed from magnetars. Developing on (sub)millisecond timescales and generating vast amounts of energy within a fraction of a second, the initial phase of these extraordinary bursts present a significant challenge for candidate trigger mechanisms. Here we assess and critically analyse the linear growth of the relativistic tearing instability in a globally twisted magnetosphere as the trigger mechanism for giant $\gamma$-ray flares. Our main constraints are given by the observed emission timescales, the energy output of the giant flare spike, and inferred dipolar magnetic field strengths. We find that the minimum growth time of the linear mode is comparable to the $e$-folding rise time, i.e. $\sim10^{-1}$ ms. With this result we constrain basic geometric parameters of the current sheet. We also discuss the validity of the presumption that the $e$-folding emission timescale may be equated with the growth time of an MHD instability.
C. Elenbaas, A. Watts, R. Turolla, et. al.
Tue, 8 Dec 15
Comments: 15 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS in press
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