In the local Universe, massive early-type galaxies exhibit enhanced [Mg/Fe] ratios, which has been traditionally interpreted as the result of a rapid ($\tau \lesssim 1$ Gyr) collapse. However, recent claims of a non-universal, steep initial mass function call for a revision of this standard interpretation. In the present work we show how the simultaneous consideration of a high [Mg/Fe] and a steep IMF slope would imply unreasonably short ($\tau \sim 7$ Myr) and intense (SFR $\sim 10^{5}$ Msun yr$^{-1}$) formation events for massive early-type galaxies. We discuss possible caveats and explanations to this apparent inconsistency, and we suggest that further IMF determinations, both in the local Universe and at high redshift, are necessary to better understand the problem.
I. Martin-Navarro
Thu, 12 Nov 15
Comments: 5 pages, MNRAS Letters accepted
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