Initial conditions of formation of starburst clusters: constraints from stellar dynamics [GA]

How starburst clusters form out of molecular clouds is still an open question. In this article, I highlight some of the key constraints in this regard, that one can get from the dynamical evolutionary properties of dense stellar systems. I particularly focus on secular expansion of massive star clusters and hierarchical merging of sub-clusters, and discuss their implications vis-a-vis the observed properties of young massive clusters. The analysis suggests that residual gas expulsion is necessary for shaping these clusters as we see them today, irrespective of their monolithic or hierarchical mode of formation.

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S. Banerjee
Thu, 22 Oct 15

Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 316, “Formation, evolution and survival of massive star clusters”, 2015, C. Charbonnel and A. Nota eds