We present a simple formula for the average dark energy equation of state at redshifts between those of two observations of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). The formula is independent of any parametrization or basis of the dark energy equation of state and essentially independent of the cosmological model. We use this formula to study the well-known tension between Lyman alpha forest BAO and other cosmological probes. Using only the line of sight Lyman alpha forest BAO and BOSS CMASS dataset, there is already more than 2 sigma tension with the standard LambdaCDM cosmological model which implies that either (i) The BOSS Lyman alpha forest measurement of the Hubble parameter was too low as a result of a statistical fluctuation or systematic error or else (ii) the dark energy equation of state falls steeply at high redshift.
J. Evslin
Tue, 20 Oct 15
Comments: 5 pages, 3 pdf figures
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