Robust predictions for the large-scale cosmological power deficit from primordial quantum nonequilibrium [CL]

The de Broglie-Bohm pilot-wave formulation of quantum theory allows the existence of physical states that violate the Born probability rule. Recent work has shown that in pilot-wave field theory on expanding space relaxation to the Born rule is suppressed for long-wavelength field modes, resulting in a large-scale power deficit {\xi}(k) which for a radiation-dominated expansion is found to have a characteristic (approximate) inverse-tangent dependence on k. In this paper we show that the functional form of {\xi}(k) is robust under changes in the initial nonequilibrium distribution as well as under the addition of an inflationary era at the end of the radiation-dominated phase. In both cases the predicted deficit {\xi}(k) remains an inverse-tangent function of k. Furthermore, with the inflationary phase the dependence of the fitting parameters on the number of superposed pre-inflationary energy states is comparable to that found previously. Our results indicate that an inverse-tangent power deficit is likely to be a fairly general and robust signature of quantum relaxation in the early universe.

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S. Colin and A. Valentini
Wed, 14 Oct 15

Comments: 20 pages, 9 figures