The Effective Gravitational Theory at Large Scale with Lorentz Violation [CL]

The dipole anomaly in the power spectrum of CMB may indicate that the Lorentz boost invarianc is violated at cosmic scale. We assume that the Lorentz symmetry is violated partly from the scale of galaxy. We employ the symmetry of very special relativity as an example to illustrate the Lorentz violation effect by constructing the corresponding gauge theories as the effective gravitational theory at the large scale. We find the common feather of these gravitation models is the non-triviality of spacetime torsion and contorsion even if the matter source is of only scalar matter. The presence of non-trivial contorsion contributes an effective enenrgy-momentum distribution which may account for part of dark matter effect.

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Y. Wu, X. Xue, L. Yang, et. al.
Tue, 6 Oct 15

Comments: 5 pages