The galaxy luminosity function in groups and clusters: the faint-end upturn and the connection to the field luminosity function [GA]

We characterize the luminosity functions of galaxies residing in $z\sim0$ groups and clusters over the broadest ranges of luminosity and mass reachable by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our measurements cover four orders of magnitude in luminosity, down to about $M_r=-12$ mag or $L=10^7\,L_\odot$, and three orders of magnitude in halo mass, from $10^{12}$ to $10^{15} \, {\rm M}_\odot$. We find a characteristic scale, $M_r\sim-18$ mag or $L\sim10^9\, L_\odot$, below which the slope of the luminosity function becomes systematically steeper. This trend is present for all halo masses and originates mostly from red satellite galaxies. The ubiquitous presence of this faint-end upturn suggests that it is formation, rather than halo-specific environmental effect, that plays a major role in regulating the stellar masses of faint satellites. We show that the observed luminosity functions of satellite galaxies can be described in a simple manner by a double Schechter function with amplitudes scaling with halo mass over the entire range of observables. Combining these conditional luminosity functions with the dark matter halo mass function, we can accurately recover the entire field luminosity function measured over 10 visual magnitudes. This decomposition reveals that the field luminosity function is dominated by satellite galaxies at magnitudes fainter than $-18$ mag or $L<10^{9}\,L_\odot$ and central galaxies above. We find that the luminosity functions of blue and red satellite galaxies show distinct shapes and we present estimates of the stellar mass fraction as a function of halo mass and galaxy type. Finally, using a simple model, we show that the average number and the faint-end slopes of blue and red satellite galaxies can be interpreted in terms of their formation history, with two distinct modes separated by some characteristic time.

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T. Lan, B. Menard and H. Mo
Tue, 29 Sep 15

Comments: 19 pages, 13 figures. Figure 7 shows the main result. Comments are welcome