The Quarkyonic Star [CL]

We discuss theoretical scenarios on crossover between nuclear matter (NM) and quark matter (QM). We classify various possibilities into three major scenarios according to the onset of diquark degrees of freedom that characterizes color-superconducting (CSC) states. In the conventional scenario NM occurs at the liquid-gas (or liquid-vacuum at zero temperature) phase transition and QM occurs next, after which CSC eventually appears. With the effect of strong correlation, the BEC-BCS scenario implies that CSC occurs next to NM and QM comes last in the BCS regime. We adopt the quarkyonic scenario in which NM, QM, and CSC are theoretically indistinguishable and thus these names refer to not distinct states but relevant descriptions of the same physical system. Based on this idea we propose a natural scheme to interpolate NM near normal nuclear density and CSC with vector coupling at high baryon density. We finally discuss the mass-radius relation of the neutron star and constraints on parameters in the proposed scheme.

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K. Fukushima and T. Kojo
Wed, 2 Sep 15

Comments: 13 pages, 6 figures