We present an estimate of the third integral of motion for axisymmetric three-dimensional potentials. This estimate is based on a Staeckel approximation and is explicitly written as a function of the potential. We tested this scheme for the Besancon Galactic model and two other disc-halo models and find that orbits of disc stars have an accurately conserved third quasi integral.
The accuracy ranges from of 0.1% to 1% for heights varying from z = 0~kpc to z= 6 kpc and Galactocentric radii R from 5 to 15kpc.
We also tested the usefulness of this quasi integral in analytic distribution functions of disc stellar populations: we show that the distribution function remains approximately stationary and that it allows to recover the potential and forces by applying Jeans equations to its moments.
O. Bienayme, A. Robin and B. Famaey
Mon, 10 Aug 15
Comments: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astron. and Astrophys
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