Dense Dark Matter Hairs Spreading Out from Earth, Jupiter and Other Compact Bodies [CEA]

It is shown that compact bodies project out strands of concentrated dark matter filaments henceforth simply called hairs. These hairs are a consequence of the fine-grained stream structure of dark matter halos, and as such constitute a new physical prediction of $\Lambda$CDM. Using both an analytical model of planetary density and numerical simulations utilizing the {\it Fast Accurate Integrand Renormalization } (FAIR) algorithm (a fast geodesics calculator described below) with realistic planetary density inputs, dark matter streams moving through a compact body are shown to produce hugely magnified dark matter densities along the stream velocity axis going through the center of the body. Typical hair density enhancements are $10^7$ for Earth and $10^8$ for Jupiter. The largest enhancements occur for particles streaming through the core of the body that mostly focus at a single point called the root of the hair. For the Earth, the root is located at about $10^6$~km from the planetary center with a density enhancement of around $10^9$ while for a gas giant like Jupiter, the root is located at around $10^{5}$~km with a enhancement of around $10^{11}$.

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G. Prezeau
Tue, 28 Jul 15

Comments: 13 pages, 21 figures, 1 table