Gravitational fragmentation caught in the act: the filamentary Musca molecular cloud [GA]

Filamentary structures are common in molecular clouds. Explaining how they fragment to dense cores is a missing step in understanding their role in star formation. We perform a case study of whether low-mass filaments are close-to hydrostatic prior to their fragmentation, and whether their fragmentation agrees with gravitational fragmentation models. For this, we study the 6.5 pc long Musca molecular cloud that is an ideal candidate for a filament at an early stage of fragmentation. We employ dust extinction mapping in conjunction with near-infrared data from the NEWFIRM instrument, and 870 um dust continuum emission data from the LABOCA instrument, to estimate column densities. We use the data to identify fragments from the cloud and to determine the radial density distribution of its filamentary part. We compare the cloud’s morphology with 13CO and C18O line emission observed with the APEX/SHeFI instrument. The Musca cloud is pronouncedly fragmented at its ends, but harbours a remarkably well-defined, 1.6 pc long filament in its Center region. The line mass of the filament is 21-31 Ms pc^-1 and FWHM 0.07 pc. Its radial profile can be fitted with a Plummer profile that has the power-index of 2.6 \pm 11%, flatter than that of an infinite hydrostatic filament. The profile can also be fitted with a hydrostatic cylinder truncated by external pressure. These models imply a central density of 5-10 x 10^4 cm^-3. The fragments in the cloud have a mean separation of 0.4 pc, in agreement with gravitational fragmentation. These properties, together with the subsonic and velocity-coherent nature of the cloud, suggest a scenario in which an initially hydrostatic cloud is currently gravitationally fragmenting. The fragmentation has started a few tenths of a Myr ago from the cloud ends, leaving its center yet relatively non-fragmented, possibly because of gravitational focusing in a finite geometry.

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J. Kainulainen, A. Hacar, J. Alves, et. al.
Wed, 15 Jul 15

Comments: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&A