In this paper, we consider a spatially flat FLRW cosmological model with matter obeying a barotropic equation of state $p = w \mu$, $-1<w\leq1$, and a cosmological constant, $\Lambda$. We use Osgood’s criterion to establish three cases when such models admit finite-time singularities. The first case is for an arbitrary initial condition, with a negative cosmological constant, and phantom energy $w < -1$. We show that except for a very fine-tuned choice of the initial condition $\theta_{0}$, the universe will develop a finite-time singularity. The second case we consider is for a nonnegative cosmological constant, phantom energy, and the expansion scalar being larger than that of the flat-space de Sitter solution, and show that such models only expand forever for $\Lambda = 0$. In all other cases, the universe model develops a finite-time singularity. The final case we consider is for a nonnegative cosmological constant, a matter source with $-1 < w \leq 1$, and an expansion scalar that is asymptotically that of the de Sitter universe. We show that such models will only expand forever when $\Lambda = 0$, otherwise, they will develop a finite-time singularity. This is significant, since the inflationary epoch is a subset of this domain. However, as we show, the inclusion of a bulk viscosity term in the Einstein field equations eliminates this singularity, and the universe expands forever. This could have interesting implications for the role of bulk viscosity in dynamical models of the universe.
I. Kohli
Thu, 9 Jul 15
Comments: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1505.07770
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