Vanishing Higgs Potential in Minimal Dark Matter Models [CL]

We consider the Standard Model with a new particle which is charged under $SU(2)_{L}$ with the hypercharge being zero. Such a particle is known as one of the dark matter (DM) candidates. We examine the realization of the multiple point criticality principle (MPP) in this class of models. Namely, we investigate whether the one-loop effective Higgs potential $V_{\text{eff}}(\phi)$ and its derivative $dV_{\text{eff}}(\phi)/d \phi$ can become simultaneously zero at around the string/Planck scale, based on the one/two-loop renormalization group equations. As a result, we find that only the $SU(2)_L$ triplet extensions can realize the MPP. More concretely, in the case of the triplet Majorana fermion, the MPP is realized at the scale $\phi=3.6\times10^{16}$ GeV if the top mass $M_{t}$ is $172.2$ GeV. On the other hand, for the real triplet scalar, the MPP can be satisfied for $10^{16}\text{ GeV}\lesssim\phi\lesssim10^{17}$GeV and $172\text{ GeV}\gtrsim M_{t}\gtrsim171$ GeV, depending on the coupling between the Higgs and DM.

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Y. Hamada and K. Kawana
Tue, 23 Jun 15

Comments: 14 pages, 5 figures