Redshift-space distortions with wide angular separations [CEA]

Redshift-space distortions are generally considered in the plane parallel limit, where the angular separation between the two sources can be neglected. Given that galaxy catalogues now cover large fractions of the sky, it becomes necessary to consider them in a formalism which takes into account the wide angle separations. In this article we derive an operational formula for the matter correlators in the Newtonian limit to be used in actual data sets, both in configuration and in Fourier spaces without relying on a plane-parallel approximation. We then recover the plane-parallel limit not only in configuration space where the geometry is simpler, but also in Fourier space, and we exhibit the first corrections that should be included in large surveys as a perturbative expansion over the plane-parallel results. We finally compare our results to existing literature, and show explicitly how they are related.

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P. Reimberg, F. Bernardeau and C. Pitrou
Tue, 23 Jun 15

Comments: 35 pages, 5 figures