Quintessential Inflation in Mimetic Dark Matter [CL]


A quintessential Inflation (QI)scenario from Mimetic Dark Matter(MDM) is presented in this paper. This scenario, which is based on the MDM model presented by Chamseddine and Mukhanov \cite{chams},uses a potential that is defined on two time intervals, one during inflation, and the other after it. The resulting energy density of the universe is constant during inflation, followed by that of a matter/radiation dominated universe, and finally ends with a constant energy density corresponding to dark energy. The scale factor has an accelerating expansion nature during and after inflation. It will be shown how this is still a viable scenario, even if the scale factor after inflation is not that of a decelerating De Sitter universe.

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A. Khalifeh
Tue, 23 Jun 15

Comments: 10 pages, 2 figures, Thesis