The choice of time in quantum cosmology: two different approaches to Kantowski-Sachs quantum universe [CL]

In this paper we study the quantum Kantowski-Sachs model and we solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in minisuperspace to obtain the wave function of the corresponding universe. The perfect fluid is described by the Schutz’s canonical formalism, which allows to attribute dynamical degrees of freedom to matter. The time is introduced phenomenologically using the fluid’s degrees of freedom. In particular, we adopt a stiff matter fluid. The Kantowski-Sachs model is also presented with the introduction of so-called geometric time. Finally, the agreement between the results is analyzed and the possibility of equivalence between the two approaches is discussed.

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F. Alvarenga, R. Fracalossi, R. Freitas, et. al.
Tue, 9 Jun 15

Comments: 12 pages