Vector field instability and the primordial tensor spectrum [CEA]

It has recently been shown that the presence of a spectator pseudoscalar field, coupled to photons through a Chern-Simons term, can amplify the primordial tensor spectrum without observationally disrupting the primordial scalar spectrum. The amplification occurs due to an instability that develops for the vector fields. We extend previous studies to account for the contribution arising from an inhomogeneous vector background, which emerges as the dominant correction to the primordial tensor spectrum. These semiclassical contributions dominate over the quantum loop contributions and possibly enhance the primordial tensor spectrum such as to have observational effects even though the loop corrections might be undetectable. A similar effect would occur by replacing the visible electromagnetic U(1) by an unbroken dark U(1).

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S. Eccles, W. Fischler, D. Lorshbough, et. al.
Tue, 19 May 15

Comments: 12 pages