The GLENDAMA Database [IMA]

This is the first version (v1) of the Gravitational LENses and DArk MAtter (GLENDAMA) database accessible at this http URL The new database contains more than 6000 ready-to-use (processed) astronomical frames corresponding to 15 objects that fall into three classes: (1) lensed QSO (8 objects), (2) binary QSO (3 objects), and (3) accretion-dominated radio-loud QSO (4 objects). Data are also divided into two categories: freely available and available upon request. The second category includes observations related to our yet unpublished analyses. Although this v1 of the GLENDAMA archive incorporates an X-ray monitoring campaign for a lensed QSO in 2010, the rest of frames (imaging, polarimetry and spectroscopy) were taken with NUV, visible and NIR facilities over the period 1999$-$2014. The monitorings and follow-up observations of lensed QSOs are key tools for discussing the accretion flow in distant QSOs, the redshift and structure of intervening (lensing) galaxies, and the physical properties of the Universe as a whole.

Read this paper on arXiv…

L. Goicoechea, V. Shalyapin and R. Gil-Merino
Tue, 19 May 15

Comments: 21 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, Technical Report and User’s Guide for the GLENDAMA database