Spin-up of massive classical bulges during secular evolution [GA]


We use self-consistent N-body simulations to study the interaction of massive classical bulges (ClBs) with a bar that forms self-consistently in the disc. We show that the ClB gains significant angular momentum from the bar which, surprisingly, scales approximately linearly with the ClB mass. It is also tightly correlated with the ratio of the bulge size to the bar size. Most of the angular momentum gain occurs via low-order resonances, particularly 5:2 resonant orbits. A density wake forms in the ClB which corotates and aligns with the bar at the end of the evolution. The spin-up process creates a characteristic linear rotation profile and mild tangential anisotropy in the ClB. The induced rotation is small in the centre but significant beyond ~bulge half mass radii, where it leads to mass-weighted V/\sigma ~ 0.2, and reaches a local V/\sigma_in ~ 0.5 at around the scale of the bar. In all models a box/peanut bulge also forms suggesting that composite bulges may be common.

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K. Saha, O. Gerhard and I. Martinez-Valpuesta
Tue, 19 May 15

Comments: 15 Pages, 19 figures, submitted to MNRAS on March 09