Particle physics and cosmology with high-scale SUSY breaking in five-dimensional supergravity models [CL]

We discuss a high-scale SUSY breaking scenario with the wino dark matter in the five-dimensional supergravity model on $S^1/Z_2$. The extra U(1) symmetries broken by the orbifold projection control the flavor structure of soft SUSY-breaking parameters as well as the Yukawa couplings, and a scalar component of the one of moduli multiplets, which arise from extra-dimensional components of the U(1) vector multiplets, induces the slow-roll inflation. Because of the supersymmetric moduli stabilization as well as the moduli inflation, it is found that the correct dark matter relic abundance is non-thermally generated by the gravitino decaying into the wino.

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H. Otsuka
Tue, 19 May 15

Comments: 18 pages, 1 figure