Curved Radio Spectra of Weak Cluster Shocks [HEAP]

We explore a diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) model for radio relics in which a spherical shock impinges on a magnetized cloud of fossil relativistic electrons in the cluster periphery. Such a scenario could explain uniformity of the surface brightness and spectral curvature in the integrated spectra of thin arc-like radio relics. Toward this end, we perform DSA simulations of spherical shocks with the parameters relevant for the Sausage radio relic in cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301, and calculate the ensuing radio synchrotron emission from re-accelerated electrons. The surface brightness profile of radio-emitting postshock region and the volume-integrated radio spectrum are calculated as well. We find that the observed width of the Sausage relic can be explained reasonably well by shocks with speed $u_s \sim 3,000 \kms$ and sonic Mach number $M_s \sim 3$. These shocks produce curved radio spectra that steepen gradually over $(0.1-10) \nu_{\rm br}$ with break frequency $ \nu_{\rm br}\sim 1$ GHz, if the duration of electron acceleration is $\sim 60 – 80$ Myr. However, the abrupt increase of spectral index above $\sim 1.5$ GHz observed in the Sausage relic seems to indicate that additional physical processes, other than radiative losses, operate for electrons with $\gamma_e \gtrsim 10^4$.

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H. Kang and D. Ryu
Tue, 19 May 15

Comments: submitted to ApJ