A Steep Slope and Small Scatter for the High-Mass End of the Faber-Jackson Relation at z~0.55 [GA]


We measure the intrinsic Faber-Jackson (F-J) relation between velocity dispersion $\sigma$ and luminosity $L$ for massive, luminous red galaxies (LRGs) at redshift z~0.55. We achieve unprecedented precision by using a sample of 600,000 galaxies with spectra from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the third Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III). We deconvolve the effects of photometric errors, limited spectroscopic signal-to-noise ratio, and red–blue galaxy confusion using a novel hierarchical Bayesian formalism that is generally applicable to any combination of photometric and spectroscopic observables. For a F-J relation of the form $L \propto \sigma^{\beta}$, we find $\beta = 7.8 \pm 1.1$ for $\sigma$ corrected to the effective radius. We find a very small intrinsic scatter of $s = 0.047 \pm 0.004$ in $\log_{10} \sigma$ at fixed $L$. Assuming plausible stellar population models, our measurements are consistent with no evolution in the parameters of the F-J relation over the range 0.5 < z < 0.7 covered by the sample. The steep F-J slope indicates that the scaling relations for the most massive LRGs are systematically different than the relations defined at lower masses, and the small scatter suggests that these galaxies more closely approximate a one-parameter family than their less massive counterparts. The curvature of the F-J relation has been observed previously in lower-mass and/or smaller galaxy samples; this new work provides a definitive measurement of the high-mass limit of the relation. Our results reinforce a picture in which the formation of LRGs is primarily driven by major dissipationless mergers.

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A. Montero-Dorta, Y. Shu, A. Bolton, et. al.
Mon, 18 May 15

Comments: 17 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Submitted to MNRAS