Fermi-LAT and Multi-wavelength Monitoring of the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 120 [HEAP]


We present six-year multi-wavelength monitoring result for broad-line radio galaxy 3C 120. The source was sporadically detected by Fermi-LAT and after the MeV/GeV gamma-ray detection the 43 GHz radio core brightened and a knot ejected from an unresolved core, implying that the radio-gamma phenomena are physically connected. We show that the gamma-ray emission region is located at sub-pc distance from the central black hole, and MeV/GeV gamma-ray emission mechanism is inverse-Compton scattering of synchrotron photons. We also discuss future perspective revealed by next-generation X-ray satellite Astro-H.

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Y. Tanaka, A. Doi, Y. Inoue, et. al.
Tue, 17 Mar 15

Comments: 2014 Fermi Symposium proceedings – eConf C141020.1