Central Mass Profiles of the Nearby Cool-core Galaxy Clusters Hydra A and A478 [CEA]


We perform a weak-lensing study of the nearby cool-core galaxy clusters, Hydra A ($z=0.0538$) and A478 ($z=0.0881$), of which brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) host powerful activities of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). For each cluster, the observed tangential shear profile is well described either by a single Navarro–Frenk–White model or a two-component model including the BCG as an unresolved point mass. For A478, we determine the BCG and its host-halo masses from a joint fit to weak-lensing and stellar photometry measurements. We find that the choice of initial mass functions (IMFs) can introduce a factor of two uncertainty in the BCG mass, whereas the BCG host halo mass is well constrained by data. We perform a joint analysis of weak-lensing and stellar kinematics data available for the Hydra A cluster, which allows us to constrain the central mass profile without assuming specific IMFs.We find that the central mass profile ($r<300$ kpc) determined from the joint analysis is in excellent agreement with those from independent measurements,including dynamical masses estimated from the cold gas disk component, X-ray hydrostatic total mass estimates,and the central stellar mass estimated based on the Salpeter IMF. The observed dark-matter fractions around the BCGs for the two clusters are found to be smaller than those predicted by adiabatic contraction models, suggesting the importance of other physical processes, such as the the AGN feedback and/or dissipationless mergers.

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N. Okabe, K. Umetsu, T. Tamura, et. al.
Tue, 17 Mar 15

Comments: submitted to MNRAS, 13 pages 9 figures