A millimeter-wave redshift search for the unlensed HyLIRG, HS1700.850.1 [GA]


We report the redshift of an unlensed, highly obscured submillimetre galaxy (SMG), HS1700.850.1, the brightest SMG (S850um =19.1 mJy) detected in the JCMT/SCUBA-2 Baryonic Structure Survey, based on the detection of its CO line emission. Using the IRAM PdBI-WIDEX with 3.6GHz band width, we serendipitously detect an emission line at 150.6 GHz. Confirmation of the identification of this line as CO(5-4) at z = 2.816 comes from a search over 14.5 GHz in the 3-mm and 2-mm atmospheric windows, meaning that it does not reside in the z~2.30 proto-cluster in this field. Measurement of the 870um source size (<0.74″) from the Sub-Millimeter Array (SMA) confirms a compact emission in a S870um =14.5mJy, LIR~10^13 Lsun component, suggesting an Eddington-limited starburst. We use the double-peaked CO line profile measurements along with the SMA size constraints to study the gas dynamics of a HyLIRG, estimating the gas and dynamical masses of HS1700.850.1. While HS1700.850.1 is one of the most extreme galaxies known in the Universe, we find that it occupies a relative void in the Lyman-Break Galaxy distribution in this field. Comparison with other extreme objects at similar epochs (HyLIRG Quasars), and cosmological simulations, suggests such an anti-bias of bright SMGs could be relatively common, with the brightest SMGs rarely occupying the most overdense regions at z=2-4.

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S. Chapman, F. Bertoldi, I. Smail, et. al.
Tue, 10 Mar 15

Comments: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRAS