Canonical D = 1 supergravity framework for FLRW cosmology [CL]

We construct an extension of standard flat FLRW cosmology with matter, possessing local D = 1, N = 1 proper-time supersymmetry. The fundamental equation for the resulting mini-superspace models of quantum universes is a Dirac-like analogue of the Friedmann and Wheeler-DeWitt equations. We provide solutions of this equation for specific matter configurations based on the supersymmetric O(3) and O(2, 1) sigma-models. It turns out that in the compact model the volume rate of growth of the universe is quantized and non-vanishing due to the zero-point energy of the scalar fields. In the non-compact model the spectrum of the growth rates is continuous but subject to an uncertainty relation involving the scale and the growth factor.

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M. Bogers and J. Holten
Mon, 9 Mar 15

Comments: 14 pages, no figures