ngravs: Distinct gravitational interactions in GADGET-2 [IMA]

We discuss an extension of the massively parallel cosmological simulation code GADGET-2, which enables investigation of distinct gravitational force laws between particle species. In addition to simplifying investigations of a universally modified force law, the ngravs extension allows state-of-the-art collisionless cosmological simulations of quite exotic gravitational scenarios. We briefly review the algorithms used by GADGET-2, and present our extension to multiple gravities, highlighting additional features that facilitate consideration of exotic force laws. We discuss the accuracy and performance of the ngravs extension, both internally and with an unaltered GADGET-2, under all relevant operational modes. The ngravs extension is publicly released to the research community.

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K. Croker
Fri, 27 Feb 15

Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures