Extragalactic Transients in the Era of Wide-Field Radio Surveys. I. Detection Rates and Light Curve Characteristics [HEAP]


The impending era of wide-field radio surveys has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of astrophysical transients. Here we evaluate the prospects of a wide range of planned and hypothetical radio surveys using the properties and volumetric rates of known and hypothetical classes of extragalactic synchrotron radio transients (e.g., on- and off-axis gamma-ray bursts [GRB], supernovae, tidal disruption events [TDE], compact object mergers). Utilizing these sources and physically motivated considerations we assess the allowed phase-space of radio luminosity and peak timescale for extragalactic transients. We also include for the first time effects such as redshift evolution of the rates, K-corrections, and non-Euclidean luminosity distance, which affect the detection rates of the most sensitive surveys. The number of detected events is calculated by means of a Monte Carlo method, using the various survey properties (depth, cadence, area) and realistic detection criteria that include a cut on the minimum variability of the transients during the survey and an assessment of host galaxy contamination. Near-term GHz frequency surveys (ASKAP/VAST, Very Large Array Sky Survey) will detect few events: <~30-50 on- and off-axis long GRBs and off-axis tidal disruption events, and ~10-20 neutron star binary mergers if ~1% of the mergers result in a stable millisecond magnetar. Low-frequency surveys (e.g., LOFAR) are unlikely to detect any transients, while a hypothetical large-scale mm survey may detect ~40 on-axis long GRBs. On the other hand, SKA surveys at ~0.1-1 GHz have the potential to uncover thousands of transients, mainly on- and off-axis long GRBs, on-axis short GRBs, off-axis TDEs, and neutron star binary mergers with magnetar remnants.

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B. Metzger, P. Williams and E. Berger
Fri, 6 Feb 15

Comments: 25 pages, 5 figures, 1 appendix, submitted to ApJ