On the possibility of observable signatures of leptonic onium atoms from astrophysical sources [HEAP]


The formation of Ps in our Galaxy is well measured, and has led to important and unanswered questions on the origin of the positrons. In principle it should be possible to form analogous systems from mu and tau leptons, viz. true muonium and true tauonium. However the probability of formation for these systems is greatly reduced due to the intrinsically short lifetimes of the mu and tau leptons. Likewise, the decay of the atoms is hastened by the high probability of the constituent particles decaying. Nevertheless, if significant numbers of mu and tau pairs are produced in high energy astrophysical environments there may be significant production of true muonium and true tauonium, despite the small probabilities. This paper addresses this possibility.
We have calculated the pair production spectra of mu and tau leptons from photon-photon annihilation and electron-positron annihilation in astrophysical environments. We have computed the cross-sections for radiative recombination and direct annihilation of the pairs, and the decay constants for the various allowable decays, and the wavelengths and energies of the recombination and annihilation signatures. In this way we have caluclated the probabilities for the formation of true muonium and true tauonium, and the branching ratios for the various observable signatures.
We have estimated the expected fluxes from accretion discs around microquasars and active galactic nuclei, and from interactions of jets with clouds and stars. We find that accretion discs around stellar mass black holes in our own Galaxy should have observable signatures at X-ray and gamma-ray energies that are in principle observable with current observatories.

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S. Ellis and J. Bland-Hawthorn
Fri, 30 Jan 15

Comments: Submitted to Physical Review D. 20 pages, 12 figures