High frequency oscillations in outbursts of Kerr-metric slim disks [HEAP]


We numerically investigate the thermally unstable accretion disks around black holes. We adopt an evolutionary viscous stress equation to replace the standard alpha-prescription based on the results of two MHD simulations. We find a kind of interesting oscillations on some running models in limit-cycle outburst state. The oscillations arise near the inner boundary and propagate radially outwards. We deem that they are the trapped $p$-mode oscillations excited by sonic-point instability. We directly integrate the local radiation cooling fluxes to construct the mimic bolometric light-curve. We find a series of overtones beside the fundamental harmonic on the power spectra of mimic light-curves. The frequency of the fundamental harmonic is very close to the maximum epicyclic frequency of the disk and the frequency ratio of the fundamental harmonic and overtones is a regular integer series. We suggest that the code for ray-tracing calculation must be time-dependent in virtual observation and point out the robustness of the black hole spin measurement with high frequency QPOs.

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L. Xue, W. Kluzniak, A. Sadowski, et. al.
Fri, 30 Jan 15

Comments: 14 pages, 1 table, 4 figures, submitted to ApJLett