A divergence-free parametrization for dynamical dark energy [CEA]


We introduce a new parameterization for the dark energy which is led by the same idea to the linear expansion of the equation of state both in scale factor $a$ and in redshift $z$, diverges neither in the past nor future and yields the same number of free parameters with the former ones. We present constraints of the cosmological parameters using a combination of baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements with cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and a recent reanalysis of Type Ia supernova (SN), and found a slightly improvement to the data compared to previous models. This new parametrization allowed us to carry out successive observational analyses by decreasing its degrees of freedom systematically until ending up with a dynamical dark energy model having no additional parameters, compared to $\Lambda$CDM, which fits slightly better to data.

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O. Akarsu, T. Dereli and J. Vazquez
Fri, 30 Jan 15

Comments: 6 pages, 3 tables, 7 figures