Intranight optical variability of radio-quiet BL Lacertae objects [GA]

Aims: The intranight variation (or microvariation) is a common phenomenon of radio-loud BL Lac objects. However, it is not clear whether the recently found radio-quiet BL Lac objects have the same properties. The occurrence rate of intranight variation is helpful in distinguishing the mechanism of the continuum of radio-quiet BL Lac objects. Methods: We conducted a photometric monitoring of 8 radio-quiet BL Lac objects by Xinglong 2.16m and Lijiang 2.4m telescopes. The differential light curves are calculated between each target and two comparison stars. To qualify the variation, the significance of variation is examined by scaled $F$-test. Results: No significant variation is found in the 11 sessions of light curves of 8 radio-quiet BL Lac objects (one galactic source is excluded). The lack of microvariation in radio-quiet BL Lac objects is consistent with the detection rate of microvariation in normal radio-quiet AGNs, but much lower than that of radio-loud AGNs. This result indicates that the continua of the radio-quiet BL Lac objects are not dominated by jets which will induce frequent microvariations.

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Y. Liu, J. Zhang and S. Zhang
Wed, 28 Jan 15

Comments: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 7 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables