Bayesian Inference for Radio Observations [IMA]

(Abridged) New telescopes like the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will push into a new sensitivity regime and expose systematics, such as direction-dependent effects, that could previously be ignored. Current methods for handling such systematics rely on alternating best estimates of instrumental calibration and models of the underlying sky, which can lead to inaccurate uncertainty estimates and biased results because such methods ignore any correlations between parameters. These deconvolution algorithms produce a single image that is assumed to be a true representation of the sky, when in fact it is just one realisation of an infinite ensemble of images compatible with the noise in the data. In contrast, here we report a Bayesian formalism that simultaneously infers both systematics and science. Our technique, Bayesian Inference for Radio Observations (BIRO), determines all parameters directly from the raw data, bypassing image-making entirely, by sampling from the joint posterior probability distribution. This enables it to derive both correlations and accurate uncertainties. We make use of the flexible software MeqTrees to model the sky and telescope simultaneously, in the BIRO algorithm. We demonstrate BIRO with two simulated sets of Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope datasets. In the first example, we perform joint estimates of 103 scientific and instrumental parameters. We simultaneously determine the flux densities of 17 sources and the coefficients of time-varying pointing errors, as well as beam parameters and noise on the visibilities. BIRO is able to accurately determine the fluxes while a standard CLEAN algorithm produces biased results. In the second example, we perform source separation using model selection where, using the Bayesian evidence, we can accurately select between a single point source, two point sources and an extended Gaussian source at super-resolved scales.

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M. Lochner, I. Natarajan, J. Zwart, et. al.
Fri, 23 Jan 15

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS. See this https URL for video of MultiNest converging to the correct source model