OI and CaII observations in intermediate redshift quasars [GA]


We present an unprecedented spectroscopic survey of the CaII triplet + OI for a sample of 14 luminous ($-$26 $\gtrsim$ M$_V$ $\gtrsim$ $-$29), intermediate redshift (0.85 $\lesssim$ $z$ $\lesssim$ 1.65) quasars. The ISAAC spectrometer at ESO VLT allowed us to cover the CaII NIR spectral region redshifted into the H and K windows. We describe in detail our data analysis which enabled us to detect CaII triplet emission in all 14 sources (with the possible exception of HE0048-2804) and to retrieve accurate line widths and fluxes of the triplet and OI $\lambda$8446. The new measurements show trends consistent with previous lower $z$ observations, indicating that CaII and optical FeII emission are probably closely related. The ratio between the CaII triplet and the optical FeII blend at $\lambda$4570 $\AA$ is apparently systematically larger in our intermediate redshift sample relative to a low-$z$ control sample. Even if this result needs a larger sample for adequate interpretation, higher CaII/optical FeII should be associated with recent episodes of star formation in the intermediate redshift quasars and, at least in part, explain an apparent correlation of CaII triplet equivalent width with $z$ and $L$. The CaII triplet measures yield significant constraints on the emitting region density and ionization parameter, implying CaII triplet emission from log n$_H$ $\gtrsim$ 11 [cm$^{-3}$] and ionization parameter log $U$ $\lesssim$ 1.5. Line width and intensity ratios suggest properties consistent with emission from the outer part of a high density broad line region (a line emitting accretion disk?).

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M. Martinez-Aldama, D. Dultzin, P. Marziani, et. al.
Wed, 21 Jan 15

Comments: 66 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplement