Reanalysis of near-infrared extragalactic background light based on the IRTS observation [GA]

We reanalyzed the data from the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) based on up-to-date observations of zodiacal light, integrated star light and diffuse Galactic light. We confirmed the existence of residual isotropic emission, which is slightly fainter, but at nearly the same level as previously reported. At wavelengths longer than 2 {\mu}m, our result is fairly consistent with recent observations with Japanese infrared astronomy satellite, AKARI. We performed all of our analyses using two different models of zodiacal light (Kelsall and Wright models). In both cases, we detect residual isotropic emission that is significantly brighter than the integrated light of galaxies (though slightly fainter in the case of the Wright model). Thus, we confirm the existence of excess near-infrared emission, independent of the zodiacal light model used. The spectral shape of the excess isotropic emission is similar to that of the recently observed spectrum of excess fluctuations, which suggests the excess brightness and fluctuations may arise from the same source.

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T. Matsumoto, M. Kim, J. Pyo, et. al.
Thu, 8 Jan 15

Comments: 26 pages, 8 figures