Can We Measure Galaxy Environments with Photometric Redshifts? [CEA]

A variety of methods have been proposed to define and to quantify galaxy environments. While these techniques work well in general with spectroscopic redshift samples, their application to photometric redshift surveys remains uncertain. To investigate whether galaxy environments can be robustly measured with photo-z samples, we quantify how the density measured with the nearest neighbor approach is affected by photo-z uncertainties by using the Durham mock catalogs in which the 3D real-space environments and the properties of galaxies are exactly known. Furthermore, we present an optimization scheme in the choice of parameters used in the 2D projected measurements which yields the tightest correlation with respect to the 3D real-space environments. By adopting the parameters in the density measurements, we show that the correlation between the 2D projected optimized density and real-space density can still be revealed, and the color-density relation is also visible even for a photo-z uncertainty ($\sigma_{\Delta_{z}/(1+z)}$) up to 0.06. We find that a deep ($i \sim 25$) photometric redshift survey with $\sigma_{\Delta_{z}/(1+z)} = 0.02$ yields a comparable performance of density measurement to a shallower $i \sim$ 22.5 (24.1) spectroscopic sample with 40\% (20\%) sampling rate. Finally, we discuss the application of the local density measurements to the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep survey, one of the largest on-going deep imaging surveys. Using data from $\sim 5 \rm deg^2$ of survey area, our results show that it is possible to measure local density and to probe the color-density relation in the PS-MDS, confirming the simulation results. The color-density relation, however, quickly degrades for data covering smaller areas.

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C. Lai, L. Lin, H. Jian, et. al.
Thu, 8 Jan 15

Comments: ApJ submitted; 20 figures