Non-equilibrium statistical field theory for classical particles: Initially correlated canonical ensembles [CL]

Building upon the recent pioneering work by Mazenko and Das and Mazenko, we develop the generating functional for an initially correlated canonical ensemble of classical microscopic particles obeying Hamiltonian dynamics. Our primary target is cosmic structure formation, where initial Gaussian correlations in phase space are believed to be set by inflation. Despite this specific motivation, our results may be useful for wider classes of applications in different fields of physics where the non-equilibrium statistics of correlated classical particle ensembles is to be studied. We give an exact expression for the generating functional and work out two approximations with linear and quadratic initial momentum correlations in detail. Cumulants of the density or other collective fields can be immediately derived from our results once the initial correlations have been defined.

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M. Bartelmann, F. Fabis, D. Berg, et. al.
Wed, 5 Nov 14

Comments: 13 pages, no figures