Finding Hot-Jupiters by Gaia photometry using the Directed Follow-Up strategy [EPA]

All-sky surveys of low-cadence nature, such as the promising Gaia Space mission, have the potential to “hide” planetary transit signals. We developed a novel detection technique, the Directed Follow-Up strategy (DFU), to search for transiting planets using sparse, low-cadence data. According to our analysis, the expected yield of transiting Hot-Jupiters that can be revealed by Gaia will reach a few thousands, if the DFU strategy will be applied to facilitate detection of transiting planets with ground-based observations. This will guaranty that Gaia will exploit its photometric capabilities and will have a strong impact on the field of transiting planets, and in particular on detection of Hot-Jupiters. Besides transiting exoplanets Gaia’s yield is expected to include a few tens of transiting brown dwarfs, that will be candidates for detailed characterization, thus will help to bridge the gap between giant planets and stars.

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Y. Dzigan and S. Zucker
Wed, 5 Nov 14

Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the GREAT-ESF workshop “Gaia and the unseen – the brown dwarf question”, Torino, 24-26 March 2014, to be published in Memorie della Societa’ Astronomica Italiana (SAIt), eds Ricky Smart, David Barrado, Jackie Faherty