On the scalar consistency relation away from slow roll [CEA]


As is well known, the non-Gaussianity parameter $f_{_{\rm NL}}$, which is often used to characterize the amplitude of the scalar bi-spectrum, can be expressed completely in terms of the scalar spectral index $n_{\rm s}$ in the squeezed limit, a relation that is referred to as the consistency condition. This relation, while it is largely discussed in the context of slow roll inflation, is actually expected to hold in any single field model of inflation, irrespective of the dynamics of the underlying model. In this work, we explicitly examine the validity of the consistency relation, analytically as well as numerically, away from slow roll. Analytically, we first arrive at the relation in the simple case of power law inflation. We also consider the non-trivial example of the Starobinsky model involving a linear potential with a sudden change in its slope (which leads to a brief period of fast roll), and establish the condition completely analytically. We then numerically examine the validity of the consistency relation in three inflationary models that lead to the following features in the scalar power spectrum due to departures from slow roll: (i) a sharp cut off at large scales, (ii) a burst of oscillations over an intermediate range of scales, and (iii) small, but repeated, modulations extending over a wide range of scales. It is important to note that it is exactly such spectra that have been found to lead to an improved fit to the CMB data, when compared to the more standard power law primordial spectra, by the Planck team. We evaluate the scalar bi-spectrum for an arbitrary triangular configuration of the wavenumbers in these inflationary models and explicitly illustrate that, in the squeezed limit, the consistency condition is indeed satisfied even in situations consisting of strong deviations from slow roll.

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V. Sreenath, D. Hazra and L. Sriramkumar
Thu, 2 Oct 14

Comments: 22 pages, 3 figures, the latest version of BINGO is available at this https URL