Trans-Planckian fluctuations and the stability of quantum mechanics [CL]

We present arguments suggesting that deviations from the Born probability rule could be generated for trans-Planckian field modes during inflation. Such deviations are theoretically possible in the de Broglie-Bohm pilot-wave formulation of quantum mechanics, according to which the Born rule describes a state of statistical equilibrium. We suggest that a stable equilibrium state can exist only in restricted conditions: on a classical background spacetime that is globally hyperbolic or in a mild quantum-gravity regime in which there is an effective Schr\”odinger equation with a well-defined time parameter. These arguments suggest that quantum equilibrium will be unstable at the Planck scale. We construct a model in which quantum nonequilibrium is generated by a time-dependent regulator for pilot-wave dynamics, where the regulator is introduced to eliminate phase singularities. Applying our model to trans-Planckian modes that exit the Planck radius, we calculate the corrected primordial power spectrum and show that it displays a power excess (above a critical wavenumber). We briefly consider how our proposals could be tested by measurements of the cosmic microwave background.

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A. Valentini
Mon, 29 Sep 14

Comments: 33 pages, 1 figure