The Early Universe with High-Scale Supersymmetry [CL]

The large tensor-to-scalar ratio reported by BICEP2 collaboration may lead to distinctive phenomenology of high-energy scale. Assuming the same origin of SUSY breaking between inflation and MSSM, we show model independent features in such high-scale SUSY. The simplest hybrid inflation, together with a new linear term for inflaton field which is induced by large gravitino mass, is excluded by BICEP2 data. For superpartner masses far above electroweak scale we estimate the reheating temperature $T_R$ after inflation. We find that $T_R$ might be beneath the value required by thermal leptogenesis if inflaton decays to its products perturbatively, but above it if non-perturbatively instead. Due to kinematically blocking effect the gravitino overproduction can be also evaded in high-scale SUSY.

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S. Zheng
Mon, 29 Sep 14

Comments: 17 pp