The Kinematic Morphology-Density Relation from the SAMI Pilot Survey [GA]

We present the kinematic morphology-density relation in three galaxy clusters, Abell 85, 168 and 2399, using data from the SAMI Pilot Survey. We classify the early-type galaxies in our sample as fast or slow rotators (FRs/SRs) according to a measured proxy for their projected specific stellar angular momentum. We find each cluster contains both fast and slow rotators with and average fraction of SRs in the sample of $f_{SR}=0.15\pm$0.04. We investigate this fraction within each cluster as a function of local projected galaxy density. For Abell 85 we find that $f_{SR}$ increases at high local density but for Abell 168 and 2399 this trend is not seen. We find SRs not just at the centres of our clusters but also on the outskirts and hypothesise that these SRs may have formed in group environments eventually accreted to the larger cluster.

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L. Fogarty and Survey. Team-SAMI-Galaxy
Fri, 26 Sep 14

Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of IAUS309: Galaxies in 3D across the universe. Brief summary of work presented in ArXiv:1406.3899