Galactic Center Gamma Ray Excess in a Radiative Neutrino Mass Model [CL]

The Fermi gamma ray space telescope data have pointed towards an excess of gamma rays with a peak around $1-3$ GeV in the region surrounding the galactic center. This anomalous excess can be described well by a dark matter candidate having mass in the range $31-40$ GeV annihilating into $b\bar{b}$ pairs with a cross section of $\langle \sigma v \rangle \simeq (1.4-2.0) \times 10^{-26} \; \text{cm}^3/\text{s}$. In this work we explore the possibility of having such a dark matter candidate within the framework of a radiative neutrino mass model. The model is a simple extension of the standard model by an additional $U(1)_X$ gauge symmetry where the standard model neutrino masses arise both at tree level as well as radiatively by the anomaly free addition of one singlet fermion $N_R$ and two triplet fermions $\Sigma_{1R}, \Sigma_{2R}$ with suitable Higgs scalars. The spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking is achieved in such a way which results in a residual $Z_2$ symmetry and hence providing a stable cold dark matter candidate. We show that the singlet fermionic dark matter candidate in our model can give rise to the galactic center gamma ray excess while satisfying the constraints on relic density, direct detection scattering as well as collider constraints at the same time. We also discuss the compatibility of such a light fermion singlet dark matter with light neutrino mass.

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D. Borah and A. Dasgupta
Fri, 5 Sep 14

Comments: 17 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1202.2718