We present new similarity solutions in the form of power series to describe the propagation of shock waves produced due to a strong explosion in a dusty gas whose energy is deposited or lost at the front. The dusty gas is assumed to be a mixture of a perfect gas and small solid particles, in which solid particles are continuously distributed. The total energy of the flow field behind the shock front is assumed to be time dependent and vary according to E = Eo t^k, where Eo and k are taken as constants. The case of spherical shock waves is worked out in detail to investigate to what extent the flow-field between the shock wave and inner expanding surface or piston is influenced by the presence of small dust particles. The effects due to an increase in (i) the propagation distance from the piston, (ii) the mass concentration of solid particles in the mixture and (iii) the ratio of the density of the solid particles to the initial density of the gas, on the velocity of mixture, pressure of mixture, density of mixture, speed of sound, adiabatic compressibility of mixture and change-in-entropy behind the spherical shock front are investigated. The new results are compared with the previous investigations for a perfect gas and are included in the new results as limiting cases. The results provided a clear picture of whether and how the presence of solid particles influences the flow field behind the spherical shock front and thus, the new power series similarity solutions will be useful when applying these solutions to actual explosion phenomena.
R. Anand
Tue, 26 Aug 14
Comments: 36pages, 2figures and 1Table. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1405.4460
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