Note on Adiabatic Modes and Ward Identities In A Closed Universe [CL]

As statements regarding the soft limit of cosmological correlation functions, consistency relations are known to exist in any flat FRW universe. In this letter we explore the possibility of finding such relations in a spatially closed universe, where the soft limit $\textbf{q}\rightarrow 0$ does not exist in any rigorous sense. Despite the absence of spatial infinity of the spatial slices, we find the adiabatic modes and their associated consistency relations in a toy universe with background topology $R\times S^2$. Flat FRW universe adiabatic modes are recovered via taking the large radius limit $R\gg \mathcal{H}^{-1}$, for which we are living in a small local patch of Hubble size on the sphere. It is shown that both dilation and translation adiabatic modes in the local patch are recovered by a global dilation on the sphere, acting at different places.

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X. Xiao
Fri, 1 Aug 14

Comments: 4 pages