Probing Beyond Standard Model via Hawking Radiated Gravitational Waves [CL]

We propose a novel technique to probe the beyond standard model (BSM) of particle physics. The mass spectrum of unknown BSM particles can be scanned by observing gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by Hawking radiation of black holes. This is because information on the radiation of the BSM particles is imprinted in the spectrum of the GWs. We fully calculate the GW spectrum from evaporating black holes taking into account the greybody factor. As an observationally interesting application, we consider primordial black holes which evaporate in the very early universe. In that case, since the frequencies of GWs are substantially redshifted, the GWs emitted with the BSM energy scales become accessible by observations.

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T. Fujita
Wed, 2 Jul 14

Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures