Cloud and Star Formation in Spiral Arms [GA]

We present the results from simulations of GMC formation in spiral galaxies. First we discuss cloud formation by cloud-cloud collisions, and gravitational instabilities, arguing that the former is prevalent at lower galactic surface densities and the latter at higher. Cloud masses are also limited by stellar feedback, which can be effective before clouds reach their maximum mass. We show other properties of clouds in simulations with different levels of feedback. With a moderate level of feedback, properties such as cloud rotations and virial parameters agree with observations. Without feedback, an unrealistic population of overly bound clouds develops. Spiral arms are not found to trigger star formation, they merely gather gas into more massive GMCs. We discuss in more detail interactions of clouds in the ISM, and argue that these are more complex than early ideas of cloud-cloud collisions. Finally we show ongoing work to determine whether the Milky Way is a flocculent or grand design spiral.

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C. Dobbs and A. Pettitt
Wed, 2 Jul 14

Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Seychelles conference “Lessons from the Local Group”, ed. K. C. Freeman, B. G. Elmegreen, D. L. Block, and M. Woolway (Dordrecht: Springer), 2014