Can Effective Field Theory of inflation generate large tensor-to-scalar ratio within Randall Sundrum single braneworld? [CL]

In this paper my prime objective is to explain the generation of large tensor-to-scalar ratio from the single field sub-Planckian inflationary paradigm within Randall Sundrum (RS) single braneworld scenario in a model independent fashion. By explicit computation I show that the effective field theory prescription of brane inflation within RS single brane setup is consistent with sub-Planckian excursion of the inflaton field, which will further generate large value of tensor-to-scalar ratio, provided the energy density for inflaton degrees of freedom is high enough compared to the brane tension in high energy regime. Finally, I mention the stringent theoretical constraint on positive brane tension, cut-off of the quantum gravity scale and bulk cosmological constant to get sub-Planckian field excursion along with large tensor-to-scalar ratio as recently observed by BICEP2 or at least generates the tensor-to-scalar ratio consistent with the upper bound of Planck.

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S. Choudhury
Tue, 1 Jul 14

Comments: 16 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1004.3962, arXiv:gr-qc/0312059 by other authors